High quality
We are the exclusive distributor in Poland of a well-known Ukrainian brand, valued for the highest quality.
  •     oil in bulk (in tank containers)
  • 1 L bottle
  • 5 L bottle
to Europe

GOLDEN OILS: refined sunflower oil

It is commonly believed that sunflower oil is very healthy and that is why it is widely used for cooking.
It can be used cold as a great addition to salads or for frying and baking.

Sunflower oil is rich in vitamin E, which is a strong antioxidant, and contains unsaturated fats.
Sunflower oil is also widely used in natural medicine and in the beauty industry for production of creams and lotions.

Refined sunflower oil is characterized by much higher smoking point than the cold – pressed oil. This practically means that it is similar to other vegetable oils and it can be used for frying without any worries.

The refining process causes that sunflower oil can be safely used even in high temperatures without worrying about production of carcinogenic compounds after heating it. Furthermore, refined oil is free of undesirable impurities that may have entered the sunflower during the process of cultivation, drying or storage. Therefore, our oil is clean, clear and has an uniform color.
What is more, it does not change the taste of the dishes and it may be kept longer – without any worries about loss of nutritional and culinary values.